Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Fairy Tale Life

My grandfather always use to say, “It Builds Character” when it came to things in life that seemed difficult or unfair. Of course when I was younger I thought this was just a way to get me to do something I really didn’t want to do. It was not until later on in my life that I began to realize the simple truth behind this small saying.

Growing up we all envision a fairy tale life like the one that we read about in books and see on television. Sadly these fairy tales often don’t exist. Not because fairy tales are not real but because fairy tales are not scripted or cut and dry. What I am saying is that there is not just one way for a fairy tale to go. It would be pretty boring for everyone to have the same fairy tale story. I think sometimes we feel like our life is nothing like a fairy tale because it is not like the story of Cinderella or Snow White. However I think if we could adjust of perspectives that our ideal definition of what a fairy tale truly is would drastically change. 
Fairy tales don’t begin when Prince Charming comes into your life. They begin long before that. From day one your life is a fairy tale. Everyone’s is different but for me my fairy tale began with the love of two wonderful parents and two heaven sent siblings. My fairy tale continued with the love of an amazing family. I was blessed with more than I ever needed and loved more than anyone could ever hope for. My fairy tale really took flight on October 29, 2003 when I gave the reigns of my fairy tale over to the true Author of my life and was blessed when my brother was there to baptize me as I declared to the world who was truly in charge of the direction of my fairy tale life. From then on my life has continued with good and bad. Some of these things were emotional, disappointing, defeating, and maybe even a little bit tragic. Life wouldn’t be life with out a few ups and downs and a fairy tale wouldn’t be interesting without pain before triumph. While some of these things in life seemed unbearable and as though there was not light at the end of the tunnel I wouldn’t change a single thing.
Just like my grandfather always said, “It builds character.” He was so right. Every thing both good and bad impacted me as a person and the perspective of my fairy tale. But no matter how you slice it I am beyond blessed and everything that has happened in my life from day one has been a small piece of my fairy tale life.  
Mommy and Daddy: Thank you for always believing in me! For believing that my fairy tale is a beautiful story and loving me in spite of everything. You are both such a beautiful picture of love! Mommy, your strength is beyond words. You have a way of making things feel ok and making sure we all are taken care of before you ever stop to think of yourself. Daddy, I am beyond proud to call you my father. You are loving and brave. You have also been an encourager of dreams and a reminder of blessings. No matter what I will always be your little girl. I love you both more than life itself!

Anna: Thank you for being the best big sister of all time. You are strong and courageous. You take life by the horn or whatever that saying is….haha! You are one of the most inspiring people in my life. I mean where would I be if I didn’t have you to call 10 times in one week with question about my homework! Thank you for always following your heart and reminding me everyday why I want to be a teacher too! I love you!

John: You have been such an amazing brother-in-law. I defiantly brag on you! You have been there for with some tough love sometimes and plenty of need advice. You are so wonderful to my sister and even to me. Thanks for being a fantastic role model in my life! Love you!

Parker: Thank you for being a strong support and a great mentor of faith. I just know that God is going to use you to rock the world for him. Your passion is contagious and your love for others is inspiring. Thanks for being there for me and for being part of one of the most special days of my life. I love you!

Mitchell and Marshal: Thank you for being sweet and loving lights in my life. For always loving me and for being you! Remember this quote by Dr.Seuss, "Today you are you, that is truer than true, there is no one alive who is youer than you"

To my grandmothers: You both and amazing women full of strength and wisdom. You both lead life of love and faith and set amazing examples for your children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. I am so blessed to have such strong and inspiring women in my life. Yall have taught me to be grateful for all of life’s many blessings.

To my Aunt and Uncles: Thank you for loving me unconditionally. For always being there when I needed a reminder that I could handle anything and I could succeed if I tried my best. Thank you all for always supporting me and loving me no matter what.

To my cousins: I am blessed with so many of you. Thank you for always loving me and encouraging me. You are all amazing and I love each of you.

Ashley: While you have only been in our lives a short time. I want to thank you for being such an amazing role model and a great support. It is such a blessing to look down at my phone to see an encouraging text on my first day back to school, my birthday, and even when I have a big test that day. You are beautiful and I love you.

I could go on and on and on. I know this post may seem a little strange but the truth is that sometimes we all need a small reminder of how blessed we are. I know I did and in the process of thinking about my many blessing I thought about yall. Because no matter how hard things get we always have each other. We always have our Lord and Savior pouring out his love and guidance but sometimes these blessing are hard to see because we are blinded by pride, fear, sadness, etc. We are all living a fairy tale and it may not be at the most happy part or the funniest part. It very well might be at the part where we are fighting off a dragon, dealing with a dark and twisted witch, or crossing a gully to get to the other side. But these are the parts that “Build Character” and I am so glad that these parts exist. Without these parts the best parts would not be a good. I am glad that each one of you are part of my fairy tale!

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